October 2019
“There is a stark contrast between those of us who cherish the wonder and dignity of human life…and those who fail to recognize God as the Author of all human life. Between those of us who will fight to protect the lives of the youngest members of our human family…and those who use abortion as a weapon to advance a deadly culture of life. For us, there is no more important issue facing America today than the evil of abortion.
Abortion corrupts our entire society. It leads to multiple other forms of violence in our nation, the breakup of the family and the downward spiral of public morality. And that the only way to bring peace to our nation, our cities, our communities and our families is to end the violence of abortion. PERIOD!” Fr. Pavone, Priests for Life
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life spoke with LifeSite News while in Grand Rapids, Michican…on Buttigieg, Klopferabortion rates and more… click on below link: